New COVID-19 Vaccinations Approved
In September 2023, the FDA and CDC approved new, monovalent COVID-19 vaccines that have been updated to provide better protection from variants in widespread circulation. These vaccines are available and recommended for all persons age 6 months and older.
The Clinton County Health Department will receive and administer these vaccines when they become available. We anticipate this to be the first week of October 2023
COVID-19 vaccinations are now privately funded, like all other vaccinations. If you have health insurance, the Health Department will bill your insurance for the cost of COVID-19 vaccination.
If you are uninsured or your insurance doesn’t cover the cost of vaccinations, a limited number of publicly-funded vaccinations are available.
COVID 19 Vaccination Schedule
The Current COVID-19 vaccination schedule can be found here: CDC 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccination Schedule